• London, United Kingdom

What is a Powerflush?

A Powerflush is a cleansing process for your boiler which removes any dirt, sludge, rust and debris that may have accumulated within your system over time. If these substances are left in your heating system, they could cause blockages or corrosion and ultimately reduce the efficiency of your boiler – they could even eventually lead to a breakdown.


Benefits of getting a Powerflush

There are plenty of benefits of getting a powerflush include:

  • Enhanced energy-efficiency
  • Improved system reliability
  • Potentially lower energy bills
  • Reduced likeliness of boiler breakdown
  • Could increase system lifespan
  • Radiators can warm up quicker
  • Better quality of heating and hot water
  • Reduced noise from boiler and radiators

You Should Know

  • Cold spots on your radiators
  • Radiators require constant bleeding
  • Noisy radiators and boiler
  • Radiator leaks
  • Frequent breakdowns
  • Boiler constantly needs to be restarted
  • Central heating takes a long time to heat
  • Some radiators struggle to heat up
  • Cold radiators but hot pipes

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